Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 2 post - i start running!

Hello everybody…(baca dgn nada watak guruji dalam pagi show fly f.m (tu pun kalau korang tau))

Yeayyy this is my 2nd day post..walopon lambat sikit blog tapi masih tetap blog ok..jgn kata saya dah give up dan malas walopon baru hari kedua..blog tetap blog sbb 88 hari lagi blh la tabung bb I tu penuh dan blh la beli bb. Yihaaaa!!

ok yesterday I said that I wanted to blog about my new activity… it is called “8-week course to 30-minute running”. This is actually an 8 weeks program for beginners like me who has fat all over the body who want to start fitness program and increase our body stamina and endurance (if xde fat pon boleh je kalau nak buat). For those who know me u know that I’m one of the people who don’t have stamina at all. I SAY AT ALL. Yes my stamina equal to those obese people who can’t really move their body. In fact I think I can find normal people (not athlete) who have bigger body (I mean obese), older than me who are supposed to has lower stamina than me but actually stronger n can last longer when doing physical activity! So yes! this simple program I follow now will prepare me to run my first 5km in 30 minutes nonstop after 8 weeks! I wonder whether I can do it or not because I am not athletic at all. At all!!Last time when i was in school also i never ever take part in any sports activity because I know I couldn’t do it. Now I want to do it because I want to be healthy. I’m afraid if I keep continue my lifestyle right now, I might end up dead sooner than I am supposed to because of illness related to obesity n not healthy life style.

I also want to start a healthy lifestyle is because I have 34.7% fat in my body which I have 7 kg of excess fat in my body. I am scared to death when I knew this. I will tell u the story tomorrow about me getting my fitness checkup. Owh by the time I write this entry, I have not yet received the result of my blood test. I did cholesterol and sugar level test. So will blog about them too tomorrow.

Ok, so to make sure I obliged to this 8 weeks program, I made myself a jogging log. It is for me to record my task for the day according to the 8-week course, as well as the notes for d day regarding my running activity. I hope this time I wont stop half way and complete this 8-weeks program successfully.

So for yesterday I started the program. It was my WEEK 1-DAY 1. First time running after I quit gym about 1 ½ years ago. It was so easy and I enjoyed the activity very very much. Actually I was looking forward to start running since last week but I hold back myself cos I don’t want to be hangat-hangat tahi ayam. So yesterday I woke up around 6.40am, started jog at 7 a.m n finished around 8 a.m. Then I came home and straight writing in my jogging log. I felt good about myself yesterday. Here is my jogging log page 1 if u people want to see it. Owh btw I want to let u know that I will blog about my jogging day on the day after. For example tomorrow, Wednesday will be my jogging day so I will blog about it on Thursday.

ok that's all for today... will write again tomorrow..


p.s: ada orang tanya saya apa kaitan bb dgn kene blog sampai 90 hari..owh alasan nya nnt bb tu saya nak guna supaya saya senang blog sbb saya suka blog dan hari-hari saya blog.hehehe


dina rahim said...

help me! i dont know why but i can't click on d photo and enlarge it. wut shud i do?

YaYa said...

i dunno!!!! cuba lahhh testing testing!

dina rahim said...

i dont know to!! it is supposed to pop up dgn sendiri nya tanpa saya ubah apa-apa. dkt blog tudung saya ok je dkt sini tak pat pulak! apahal pun tak tau lah!